After Dan Flavin: Marfa, 2004, 150 x 144 x 120 in., filament, powdered pigment, latex.
Made for a show at the Tenri Cultural Center, NY, NY, from filaments dipped in latex and powdered pigment, hung in clusters of intensely saturated color to form new spaces. Intriguing for their ephemeral quality and visual ambiguity, these pieces are physically dependent upon and perceptually modify the existing architecture. The color-saturated spaces, seductive and inviting, beckon the viewer to enter, even though sometimes that is not possible. From one vantage point, the colors make up a particular shape, and from another view the field becomes an abstract mass of colorful lines. When the viewer is close to or inside the piece, the questions of focus and perception come into play. At very close range, depth perception breaks down and the optical experience becomes one of disorientation and denial of associative or symbolic value for the sake of pure sensual indulgence.